Welcome, Matagorda Flounder Gigging
Discover Matagorda Flounder Gigging

Flounder, Matagorda Flounder Gigging

Recent Photos | FaceBook Page | Trip Rates | About the Trip

Our 2025 gigging season is here..!
It's will be an exciting year...!
We also offer Drum and Sheepshead gigging trips.
Call or text to book your trip.

Information or to Book a Trip

Send text to 979-533-0924 between the hours of 9AM and 5PM, or call before 9AM or after 5PM. We will contact you promptly.

Matagorda Flounder Gigging
(Black Drum - Sheepshead Gigging Trips
Beginning November 1, 2024)

Join Capt. Matt Richardson on an exciting flounder
gigging trip at Matagorda Texas on Matagorda Bay...!
Text or Call Soon... 979-533-0924

- 2024 Photos -
Fun Times...! Matagorda Flounder Gigging




Photos from 2023 Matagorda Bay
(Month of October)
flounder gigging trips are below,
More photos prior to October arehere...

Dates are filling up! Call or text to book your trip. Our gigging season ends on October 31st! Don’t forget about weeknights, it’s a great time to get out on the water and avoid the crowds!

Information or to Book a Trip

Send text to 979-533-0924 between the hours of 9AM and 5PM, or call before 9AM or after 5PM. We will contact you promptly.

Boat, Matagorda Flounder Gigging
Custom built extra wide flounder gigging boat

Matagorda Flounder Gigging

Capt. Matt Richardson

USCG fully licensed & fully insured! Offering guided Flounder gigging trips out of the harbor in Matagorda, Texas! 25+ years experience flounder gigging in the Matagorda Bay area; Capt. Matt will put you on the fish!

Capt Matt RichardsonCapt Matt Richardson
25+ years experience flounder gigging in the Matagorda Bay!

Matagorda Bay Flounder Gigging Trips

Flounder Gigging Trip Rates

1 to 3 persons ... $700
(Plus Gratuity**)

4 persons ... $850
(Plus Gratuity**)

5 persons ... $1000
(Plus Gratuity**)

Deposit Required

$200 deposit required at time of booking trip in order
to reserve your trip dates. Deposit must be received
promptly in order secure the date of your trip.
Venmo, Cash App, Cash, or PayPal accepted
for Trip and for Deposits


**If you enjoyed your trip with Capt. Matt, gratuity/tip of 10% to 20% is customary and very much appreciated. Captain Matt always works especially hard to see that you have a successful Matagorda Bay flounder gigging trip, one that you enjoy, want to soon repeat, and long remember for many years to come.

Note: Ability to run four person trips
may be subject to tidal conditions.



Black Drum - Sheepshead Gigging Trips

Beginning November 1st, we start running trips for
Black Drum and Sheepshead gigging.
Also, bowfishing trips for same species.
Contact Capt. Matt for available dates and other details.

Payment Types Accepted

Venmo, Cash App, Cash, or PayPal accepted
for Trip and for Deposits

For Information or to Book a Trip
Send text to 979-533-0924 between the hours of 9AM and 5PM,
or call before 9AM or after 5PM. We will contact you promptly.

Trips canceled by your captain due to weather will be rescheduled.

No refunds for customer requested cancellations made within 14 days of the scheduled trip date.

Gratuity of 10% to 20% is customary and always much appreciated. Your Captain works hard to see that you have a successful and memorable flounder gigging trip.

Rates subject to change... Call to confirm current rates and date availability for your trip.

About the Trip

Typically trips leave Matagorda harbor anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour before dark, and last anywhere from 3.5 to 5 hours. I will have cold water and Gatorade in a cooler on board, but feel free to bring your own reasonable sized cooler (most bring a soft sided style) that will stow easily on the boat and is not too heavy. Bring or wear appropriate clothing for the trip. The Texas weather can be ever changing so dress accordingly and keep in mind that it can be cooler on the water than it is on land. I have plenty of mosquito spray on board. If you have questions regarding proper attire for your trip, please ask and I will let you know what I recommend.

You will need a valid Texas "All Waters" fishing license.

Upon our arrival back at the harbor, the flounder will be “headed” and washed so you can prepare them using your favorite method!

Be sure to have additional cooler with ice for your catch :-)

Thank you for the opportunity of doing business with you, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


Only Cash, Venmo, Cash App, or PayPal accepted
for Trip and for Deposits

****A reasonable amount of alcohol is allowed on board****

**** No glass containers ****

You must have a fishing license

Bring mosquito repellant

Bring small cooler for the boat plus additional ice chest to take
home your catch, size of 48 qt. Igloo suggested.

Take lots of photos and have a good time...!!

Customers Need to Know

Captain Matt Richardson is fully licensed* and insured.
(*State of Texas and US Coast Guard)

Coast Guard-issued Merchant Mariner's Credentials
If you're required to provide any money before or after the boat operator allows you to get underway on the vessel, the vessel is operating as a charter and must be operated by an individual who has a valid Coast Guard-issued Merchant Mariner's Credential. The boat operator must have this credential on board.
Always make sure your Captain is fully licensed.

Capt Matt Richardson
Killshot Guide Service

For Information or to Book a Trip
Send text to 979-533-0924 between the hours of 9AM and 5PM.
Call before 9AM or after 5PM. We will contact you promptly.

LED Flounder Gigging Lights